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Pharmaceutical form | Package № | Dose strength |
![]() |
5 | 2 ml |
Injection complex of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 for treating neurological conditions of degenerative- inflammatory origin
Neurological diseases of various origins: neuritis, neurodynia, polyneuropathy (diabetic, alcohol), radicular syndrome, optic neuritis, facial palsy.
Active ingredients: 1 ml of thiamine hydrochloride (equivalent to 100% substance) 50 mg pyridoxine hydrochloride (equivalent to 100% substance) 50 mg vitamin B12 crystal H (cyanocobalamin) (equivalent to 100% substance) 0.5 mg; excipients: lidocaine hydrochloride, benzyl alcohol, sodium polyphosphate, potassium ferricyanide, sodium hydroxide, water for injections.
Neurotropic B vitamins possess a positive effect in cases of inflammatory and degenerative nervus and locomotor apparatus diseases. They are used for deficiency states abolition, and in heavy doses, they possess an analgesic effect, improve blood circulation, normalize nervous system functioning and the hemocytogenesis process.